100 manual testing (software testing) key performance indicator(KPIs) and its formula

By | April 26, 2023

In this post I have listed the 100+ KPIs (key performance indicators) and formulas that are used in the field of software testing to measure various parameters.

  • Test case execution time – this KPI used to measure the time taken to execute a test case.
    Formula: Time taken to execute a test case / Total number of test cases executed.
  • Number of defects found per test cycle – this KPI used to measure the number of defects found during a specific testing cycle.
    Formula: Total number of defects found / Number of testing cycles.
  • Defect severity distribution – the distribution of defects by severity level.
    Example: Critical, High, Medium, and Low.
    Formula: Number of defects by severity level / Total number of defects.
  • Defect density – the number of defects found per unit of code.
    Formula: Total number of defects / Size of the code base.
  • Test case coverage – the percentage of code covered by test cases.
    Formula: Size of the code covered by test cases / Total size of the code.
  • Test case effectiveness – the ability of a test case to detect defects.
    Formula: Number of defects found by a test case / Total number of defects found.
  • Test case efficiency – the time taken to execute a test case relative to the importance of the test case.
    Formula: Time taken to execute a test case / Importance of the test case.
  • Defects found vs. resolved rate – the rate at which defects are found and resolved.
    Formula: Number of defects found / Number of defects resolved.
  • Defects reopened rate – the rate at which defects are reopened after being resolved.
    Formula: Number of defects reopened / Total number of defects.
  • Defects deferred rate – the rate at which defects are deferred to a later stage in the development cycle.
    Formula: Number of defects deferred / Total number of defects.
  • Defects per test case – the average number of defects found per test case.
    Formula: Total number of defects / Total number of test cases.
  • Defect aging – the amount of time it takes for a defect to be resolved.
    Formula: Time taken to resolve a defect – Time taken to detect a defect.
  • Test case maintenance cost – the cost of maintaining test cases over time.
    Formula: Cost of maintaining test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case automation percentage – the percentage of test cases that have been automated.
    Formula: Number of automated test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case execution efficiency – the ability to execute test cases efficiently.
    Formula: Number of test cases executed / Time taken to execute the test cases.
  • Test case reliability – the ability of a test case to produce consistent results.
    Formula: Number of consistent results / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case stability – the ability of a test case to remain stable over time.
    Formula: Number of stable test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case coverage efficiency – the percentage of code covered by a test case.
    Formula: Size of the code covered by a test case / Total size of the code.
  • Test case coverage completeness – the percentage of code covered by all test cases.
    Formula: Total size of the code covered by all test cases / Total size of the code.
  • Test case execution frequency – the number of times a test case is executed.
    Formula: Number of times a test case is executed / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case documentation completeness – the completeness of the test case documentation.
    Formula: Total number of documented test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case documentation accuracy – the accuracy of the test case documentation.
    Formula: Total number of accurate test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case documentation maintenance cost – the cost of maintaining test case documentation over time.
    Formula: Cost of maintaining test case documentation / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case review effectiveness – the ability of a test case review to identify defects.
    Formula: Number of defects identified during a test case review / Total number of defects.
  • Test case review efficiency – the time taken to complete a test case review.
    Formula: Time taken to complete a test case review / Total number of test cases reviewed.
  • Test case review coverage – the percentage of test cases that have been reviewed.
    Formula: Total number of reviewed test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test environment setup time – the time taken to set up a test environment.
    Formula: Time taken to set up a test environment / Total number of test environments.
  • Test environment stability – the stability of the test environment.
    Formula: Number of stable test environments / Total number of test environments.
  • Test environment availability – the availability of the test environment.
    Formula: Time the test environment is available / Total time.
  • Test data availability – the availability of test data.
    Formula: Time test data is available / Total time.
  • Test data accuracy – the accuracy of test data.
    Formula: Number of accurate test data sets / Total number of test data sets.
  • Test data completeness – the completeness of test data.
    Formula: Total number of complete test data sets / Total number of test data sets.
  • Test data diversity – the diversity of test data.
    Formula: Number of diverse test data sets / Total number of test data sets.
  • Test case failure rate – the rate at which test cases fail.
    Formula: Number of failed test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case pass rate – the rate at which test cases pass.
    Formula: Number of passed test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case blocking rate – the rate at which test cases block the development process.
    Formula: Number of blocking test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case criticality – the criticality of a test case.
    Formula: Severity of the defect found by the test case / Total severity of defects found.
  • Test case complexity – the complexity of a test case.
    Formula: Time taken to execute a test case / Number of steps in the test case.
  • Test case impact – the impact of a test case on the system.
    Formula: Number of affected modules / Total number of modules.
  • Test case maintenance rate – the rate at which test cases require maintenance.
    Formula: Number of test cases that require maintenance / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case maintainability – the ease with which test cases can be maintained.
    Formula: Time taken to maintain a test case / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case manageability – the ease with which test cases can be managed.
    Formula: Time taken to manage a test case / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case priority – the priority of a test case.
    Formula: Importance of the test case / Total importance of all test cases.
  • Test case relevance – the relevance of a test case to the system.
    Formula: Number of relevant test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case reproducibility – the ability of a test case to produce consistent results.
    Formula: Number of consistent results / Total number of test cases.
  • Test case scalability – the ability of a test case to scale with the system.
    Formula: Time taken to execute a test case at scale / Time taken to execute a test case at a smaller scale.
  • Test coverage – the extent to which a system or component has been tested.
    Formula: (Number of requirements tested / Total number of requirements) * 100
  • Test efficiency – the ratio of the number of test cases executed to the time taken to execute them.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed / Time taken to execute them) * 100
  • Test execution time – the time taken to execute all the test cases in a test cycle.
    Formula: Time taken to execute all test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test failure analysis – the analysis of the cause of a test case failure.
    Formula: Number of test case failures analyzed / Total number of test case failures.
  • Test maintenance cost – the cost of maintaining the test cases over time.
    Formula: Total cost of maintaining test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test management cost – the cost of managing the testing process.
    Formula: Total cost of managing testing process / Total number of test cases.
  • Test planning accuracy – the accuracy of the test plan.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed as per plan / Total number of test cases) * 100
  • Test planning effectiveness – the ability of the test plan to identify defects.
    Formula: (Number of defects identified through the test plan / Total number of defects) * 100
  • Test planning efficiency – the time taken to plan the test cases.
    Formula: Time taken to plan the test cases / Total number of test cases.
  • Test planning quality – the quality of the test plan.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed as per plan and met the quality standards / Total number of test cases executed as per plan) * 100
  • Test process cycle time – the time taken to complete a test cycle.
    Formula: Time taken to complete a test cycle / Total number of test cases.
  • Test progress – the progress made towards completing the testing process.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed / Total number of test cases) * 100
  • Test resource allocation – the allocation of resources to testing.
    Formula: (Total time spent on testing / Total time) * 100
  • Test result analysis – the analysis of the test results.
    Formula: (Number of test results analyzed / Total number of test results) * 100
  • Test review effectiveness – the ability of a test review to identify defects.
    Formula: (Number of defects identified during a test review / Total number of defects) * 100
  • Test review efficiency – the time taken to complete a test review.
    Formula: Time taken to complete a test review / Total number of test cases reviewed.
  • Test review coverage – the percentage of test cases that have been reviewed.
    Formula: (Total number of reviewed test cases / Total number of test cases) * 100
  • Test schedule adherence – the extent to which the testing process adheres to the schedule.
    Formula: (Total number of test cases executed as per schedule / Total number of test cases) * 100
  • Test strategy effectiveness – the effectiveness of the testing strategy.
    Formula: (Number of defects identified as per the testing strategy / Total number of defects) * 100
  • Test strategy efficiency – the time taken to create the testing strategy.
    Formula: Time taken to create the testing strategy / Total number of test cases.
  • Test strategy quality – the quality of the testing strategy.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed as per strategy and met the quality standards / Total number of test cases executed as per strategy) * 100
  • Test summary report completeness – the completeness of the test summary report.
    Formula: (Number of sections completed in the test summary report / Total number
  • Test summary report effectiveness – the effectiveness of the test summary report in communicating the testing results.
    Formula: (Number of stakeholders who understood the test summary report / Total number of stakeholders) * 100
  • Test summary report timeliness – the timeliness of the test summary report.
    Formula: (Time taken to create the test summary report / Total time available) * 100
  • Test suite quality – the quality of the test suite.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed without any defects / Total number of test cases executed) * 100
  • Test suite completeness – the completeness of the test suite.
    Formula: (Number of test cases in the test suite / Total number of requirements) * 100
  • Test suite maintenance cost – the cost of maintaining the test suite.
    Formula: Total cost of maintaining test suite / Total number of test cases.
  • Test suite stability – the stability of the test suite over time.
    Formula: (Number of test cases in the test suite that have remained stable over time / Total number of test cases in the test suite) * 100
  • Test suite update frequency – the frequency with which the test suite is updated.
    Formula: Number of times the test suite has been updated / Total time.
  • Test summary report accuracy – the accuracy of the test summary report.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed as per the test summary report / Total number of test cases executed) * 100
  • Test tool effectiveness – the effectiveness of the test tools used.
    Formula: (Number of defects identified through test tools / Total number of defects) * 100
  • Test tool efficiency – the time taken to execute test cases using the test tools.
    Formula: (Time taken to execute test cases using test tools / Time taken to execute test cases manually) * 100
  • Test traceability – the ability to trace test cases to requirements.
    Formula: (Number of test cases traced to requirements / Total number of test cases) * 100
  • Test usability – the usability of the testing process and tools.
    Formula: (Number of users who found the testing process and tools easy to use / Total number of users) * 100
  • Test workload – the workload of the testing team.
    Formula: (Total time spent on testing / Total number of testers) * 100
  • Test case stability – the stability of the test cases over time.
    Formula: (Number of test cases that have remained stable over time / Total number of test cases) * 100
  • Test case update frequency – the frequency with which the test cases are updated.
    Formula: Number of times the test cases have been updated / Total time.
  • Test coverage efficiency – the efficiency of the test coverage.
    Formula: (Number of requirements tested / Total number of requirements) / Time taken to test each requirement.
  • Test data accuracy – the accuracy of the test data.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed with accurate test data / Total number of test cases executed) * 100
  • Test data completeness – the completeness of the test data.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed with complete test data / Total number of test cases executed) * 100
  • Test data consistency – the consistency of the test data.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed with consistent test data / Total number of test cases executed) * 100
  • Test data relevance – the relevance of the test data to the requirements.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed with relevant test data / Total number of test cases executed) * 100
  • Test data validity – the validity of the test data.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed with valid test data /
  • Test data validity – the validity of the test data.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed with valid test data / Total number of test cases executed) * 100
  • Test environment availability – the availability of the test environment.
    Formula: (Time the test environment was available / Total time required for testing) * 100
  • Test environment readiness – the readiness of the test environment.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed without any environment-related issues / Total number of test cases executed) * 100
  • Test execution effectiveness – the effectiveness of the test execution process.
    Formula: (Number of defects identified during test execution / Total number of defects) * 100
  • Test execution efficiency – the time taken to execute test cases.
    Formula: (Time taken to execute test cases / Total number of test cases) * 100
  • Test execution productivity – the productivity of the testing team during test execution.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed per tester per day / Total number of testers) * 100
  • Test execution quality – the quality of the test execution process.
    Formula: (Number of test cases executed without any defects / Total number of test cases executed) * 100
  • Test execution speed – the speed at which the test cases are executed.
    Formula: (Total number of test cases executed / Time taken to execute all test cases) * 100
  • Test execution timeliness – the timeliness of the test execution process.
    Formula: (Time taken to execute all test cases / Total time available for test execution) * 100
  • Test status reporting effectiveness – the effectiveness of the test status reporting process.
    Formula: (Number of stakeholders who understood the test status report / Total number of stakeholders) * 100
  • Test status reporting timeliness – the timeliness of the test status reporting process.
    Formula: (Time taken to generate the test status report / Total time available for generating the test status report) * 100

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