Agile software testing life cycle

By | June 4, 2021

This method of testing is non sequential unlike waterfall method and everything will be stored for fixed duration in sprint backlog, where it is achieved a certain goal.

Given below are the processes involved in agile testing

Agile Testing Life Cycle
  • User requirement analysis

The requirements of the users are clarified before proceeding, to check whether the requirements is functional or non functional.

  • Test planning

Here the developers analyze the efforts and the cost required for the entire process for the test creation.

  • Test design

Here they will do the test scenario creation and gets it reviewed from the development team to ensure if the software is good enough to continue.

  • Environment set up

Here we decide the software and hardware conditions under which the software is tested.

  • Test execution

Here tests are done to check if there is any issue. If an issueisdetectedit is reported as defect. Then the Defect testing is done within the scrum team.

  • System testing

Here the functionality of the application is tested.

  • User acceptance testing

Here the users give feedback based on the functionality and user experience.

  • Release

After all the above steps and tests the software will be ready to be released

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