How to get software testing job without experience or as fresher

By | July 21, 2021

Here are the step by step instructions on how to get the software testing jobs

  • Qualification: Any degree holder can start his/her career as a software tester if they possess relevant skills.
  • Must have relevant computer skills: The person who is planning to start the career in this field must be well versed with handling a computer.
  • Must have the knowledge of   software development life cycle(SDLC)
  • The person must know the testing concepts like writing the tests, executing, designing, logging defect  etc
  • Must have testing skills like good listening skills, asking relevant questions, trouble shooting skills etc
  • Test certification: having enough certificates in this area is always beneficial so taking certified courses is important.
  • Internship: Taking up relevant internships is very beneficial as it increases the chances of getting a good job.
  • Freelancing: Once done with internship a person can now step into free lancing jobs available.
  • Create portfolio to get started.
  • Create LinkedIn profile as the recruiter checks the profile of the candidate through this.
  • Prepare for interviews: Interview preparation is another biggest step towards achieving your dream job.
  • Networking: Good networking is necessary as it enhances the chances of getting a good job.

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