Have the KPI in the software project is to help to evaluate whether the testing work is going in right direction or not. Here are the some of the some of the test metrics or KPIs

1. Test Execution Coverage( %) – No. of Testcases executed/Total No. of Tests to Be Executed) x 100
This Metrics will be used to find out how many % number of test cases are executed vs how many total testcases
2. Test Requirements Coverage % – No. of Requirement Testing Covered/Total No. of Requirements) x 100
This Metrics shows the percentage of tests that are covered mapping back to the requirements.
3. % defects by priority – No. of Priority Defect Identified/Total Number of Defects Identified x 100
Priority could be Priority 1,2,3,4
4. Defect rate % – (No. of tests failed / No. of tests executed) x 100
This metrics for defect rate % post completing the test executions
5. Defect Leakage – (Total Number of Defects Found in UAT/ Total Number of Defects Found Before UAT) x 100
% of defects leaked from testing team to UAT team
6. Defect Removal Efficiency – development team ability to remove defects
DRE = Number of defects resolved by the development team/ (Total number of defects at the moment of measurement)
7.Test Case Effectiveness – Efficiency of Testcases
Test Case Effectiveness = (Number of defects detected / Number of test cases run) x 100
8. Test Case Creation Productivity – test case authoring productivity
Test Case Execution Productivity = (Number of Test Cases / Efforts Spent for Test Case Preparation)
9. Test Case Execution Productivity – test case execution productivity
Test Case Execution Productivity = (Number of Test Cases / Efforts Spent for Test Case Execution)
10. Test case Pass % – (Number of test cases passed / Total number of test cases executed) x 100
11. Test case Fail % – (Number of test cases failed / Total number of test cases executed) x 100
12. Test case blocked % – (Number of test cases blocked / Total number of test cases executed) x 100
13. Defect fix % – No. of Defects fixed / No. of defects reported) x 100
14. Valid /Accepted Defects %: (No. of Defects accepted as valid / Total defect reported) x 100
15. Rejected defect % : No. of defects rejected / total defects reported) x 100
16. Deferred Defect % – No. of Defects deferred / Total defects reported) x 100