e-commerce coupon or promo code test scenarios

By | August 28, 2021

In this post I am detailing out the test scenarios for another feature in the e-commerce application which is coupon code or promotional code

What is Coupon code Functionality?

  • Coupon code/Promo Code is being used in e-commerce and online shopping websites
  • These codes are generated using programs and consist of letters or numbers
  • These codes are used by customers to enter in the coupon code text field to get the discount during purchase

Coupon code admin pages Test scenarios

  • Verify administrator able to add the various coupon codes(single or in bulk) and others not able to add it
  • Verify while adding or removing coupons
  • Verify right error messages during adding/generating or removing coupons while adding coupon name or code

Coupon code Customer  pages Test scenarios

  • Verify for the active/inactive coupon code usage
  • Verify for coupon code – restrict coupon based the date /invalid/expiry dates
  • Verify for each coupon associated product list both successful and unsuccessful cases
  • Verify the coupon code can be used to buy for the same product
  • Verify the usage of the coupon code for the invalid codes(invalid or special characters or character limits, case sensitive)
  • Verify for the email/sms message follow-ups

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