Category Archives: Manual Testing

Manual Testing

Sample Test Scenarios for E-commerce Application Testing

Verify that the homepage loads correctly and displays the appropriate information (e.g., logo, navigation menu, search bar). Test the search functionality to ensure that it returns the correct results for different search queries. Verify that the product details pages display the correct information for each product (e.g., product name, price, images, descriptions). Test the ability … Read more

Test cases for Facebook – Sign up – Login and Forgot Password

Test Cases for Create New Facebook Account 1.Verify First Name field with Mandatory – Alpha numeric values 2.Verify Surname field with Mandatory – Alpha numeric values3.Verify Mobile number with Mandatory – numeric – Valid/Invalid values – Boundary conditions4.Verify Email Address with Valid/ Invalid Emails4.Verify the New password field with Valid, Character limit –Alpha Numeric –Special … Read more


This is the crucial questions in software testing. Testing can stop when some of the below criteria’s are met Testing timelines: When the testing time lines are met we can stop the test. When the team meets the exit criteria for execution and pass rate: when all the tests are completed with good pass rates … Read more

Product manager/Roles and responsibilities/Salary/Skills

Product manager roles are key roles in any product development companies, This role is totally different compared the project manager. Below are the some of the difference between both Project manager responsibilities Breaking up large initiatives to task. Planning project timelines. Allocating project resources. Monitoring and tracking task completion. Communicating progress to stake holders. Ensuring … Read more