Big Data Testing Issues or Challenges

In this post I have given various issues or challenges which come across during big data testing executions Since it has huge data it requires different platforms to be tested. It requires people with good expertise since it involves automation. Visualization: it leads to VM latency hence will be slow. It requires diverse tools therefore … Read more

What is test automation strategy?

It outlines the overall plan for automation testing to ensure better reliability and better testing experience. Defining the resource requirements Human resources like testers, senior testers and leads are to be defined. Their roles and responsibilities must be made clear Must ensure the resources are knowledgeable without skill gaps. Automation tools The required tools must … Read more

Manual Testing Vs Automated Testing

Here are the few difference between manual vs automated testing Manual testing Automated testing Testers manual tests and find out defects Here tools to run the tests are automated to find the defects. Since done by humans, the errors are more. Minimal error since it is done by tools. Tests which require human validation this … Read more

Ten tips for successful API testing

In this Post I have written on some of the tips which you should adapt while to execute successfully the API testing All the requirements must be gathered for API testing. Must know the expected outcome for the API tests. Bottom up approach: must pick small API and start building to bigger tests. API automation … Read more

Is test automation a good career to consider for future?

This is the common question will be asked by any new entrant into the software field especially if they interested to work in software testing area as specialization. Following Common questions you get on the same topic Is Automation Testing have a Bright Future? Is Automation Testing a Long Lasting Career? What is the Future … Read more